專項专题 蓬佩奧:不再讓步中共 解除...

蓬佩奧:不再讓步中共 解除對美臺關係的限制


【希望之聲2021年1月9日】(本台記者文興綜合報導)美國務院於1月9日下午宣佈國務卿蓬佩奧(MICHAEL R. POMPEO)聲明,解除幾十年來美國因讓步於北京共產政權而對美臺關係的自我設限。並聲明根據《臺灣關係法》規定,美行政部門與臺灣的關係應由美國在臺協會(AIT)規定。除美國在臺協會(AIT)之外,通過任何其他機構,傳達任何授權或意圖來管理美行政部門與臺灣行政部門互動也都將無效。聲明也重申,美臺關係不需要,也不應該因長期官僚的自我設限而束縛。


Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and reliable partner of the United States, and yet for several decades the State Department has created complex internal restrictions to regulate our diplomats, servicemembers, and other officials’ interactions with their Taiwanese counterparts. The United States government took these actions unilaterally, in an attempt to appease the Communist regime in Beijing. No more.


Today I am announcing that I am lifting all of these self-imposed restrictions. Executive branch agencies should consider all “contact guidelines” regarding relations with Taiwan previously issued by the Department of State under authorities delegated to the Secretary of State to be null and void.


Additionally, any and all sections of the Foreign Affairs Manual or Foreign Affairs Handbook that convey authorities or otherwise purport to regulate executive branch engagement with Taiwan via any entity other than the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) are also hereby voided. The executive branch‘s relations with Taiwan are to be handled by the non-profit AIT, as stipulated in the Taiwan Relations Act.


The United States government maintains relationships with unofficial partners around the world, and Taiwan is no exception. Our two democracies share common values of individual freedom, the rule of law, and a respect for human dignity. Today’s statement recognizes that the U.S.-Taiwan relationship need not, and should not, be shackled by self-imposed restrictions of our permanent bureaucracy.

美國政府與世界各地的非官方夥伴維持關係,臺灣也不例外。我們兩個民主政體分享共同價值觀 — 個人自由、法律規範和對人尊嚴的尊重。今天的聲明正式承認美臺關係不需要,也不應該,因我們長期官僚的自我設限而束縛。



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