新闻 委內瑞拉變天 瓜伊多出任臨...

委內瑞拉變天 瓜伊多出任臨時總統 川普迅速承認


【2019年01月24日訊】週三(1月23日),委內瑞拉國民議會議長胡安•瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)宣布自己出任該國臨時總統,美國總統川普迅速宣布外交承認,同時譴責馬杜羅(Nicolas Maduro)政權非法。


美國副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)很快發推支持。他通報川普已宣布正式承認瓜伊多為委內瑞拉臨時總統,並向瓜伊多和委國人民致詞:美國與你們站在一起,並將繼續與你們站在一起,直到自由得以恢復!

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Vice President Mike Pence

Today @POTUS announced the U.S. officially recognizes Juan Guaidó as the Interim President of Venezuela. To @JGuaido & the people of Venezuela: America stands with you & we will continue to stand with you until #Libertad is restored!

上午10:12 – 2019年1月23日

1.64萬 人正在談論此話題


Donald J. Trump

The citizens of Venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate Maduro regime. Today, I have officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.

Vice President Mike Pence

Today @POTUS announced the U.S. officially recognizes Juan Guaidó as the Interim President of Venezuela. To @JGuaido & the people of Venezuela: America stands with you & we will continue to stand with you until #Libertad is restored!

上午10:47 – 2019年1月23日

7.43萬 人正在談論此話題

美國駐聯合國大使黑利(Nikki Haley)隨後也發推表示,馬杜羅贏得選舉完全是虛假的。她感謝川普總統率先承認瓜伊多並支持委內瑞拉人民收復國家的願望,並指出,委國民眾是通過民主選舉的方式從一個腐敗的社會主義政權中收復他們的國家的。

Nikki Haley

Maduro’s election was a total sham. Thank you President @realDonaldTrump for your leadership recognizing Juan Guaidó and supporting the will of the Venezuelan people to take back their country, from a corrupt socialist regime, through democratic elections. #MaduroMustGO

The White House

President @realDonaldTrump has officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.

上午11:02 – 2019年1月23日

1,959 人正在談論此話題



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